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About Holy Fuck


Sex is such a delicate topic.


So much of what we 'know' about sex comes from fear - or the male-centred, often aggressive, ego-and-performance-driven culture of porn. It's kept hidden, swept under the rug, tucked away in dark places where no one can see. Even the idea of creating this brand was scary. Not because of what it is, but because of the perception of what it 'must be' if it's associated with the common sex culture.


If you're reading this, I invite you to leave your ideas of what sex and sexuality 'must be' at the door - or to go to a site that better suits your expectations.


We'll be talking about sexuality, selling products related to intimacy, and encouraging a journey of pleasure, but this isn't the place for shame. This isn't the place for using sex as a tool to achieve something else. This is a place dedicated to the purity and ecstasy of pleasure alone - whatever that is to you - without all the stories so many people have attached to it. 


Welcome. :)


Who we are

Here's a little teaser to show you what we like...

Less of this

  • Needing to 'prove' our stamina, sexiness, and 'skill' in bed. We all get to be sexy. We all get to be delicious. We all get to enjoy ourselves. You will not get a prize.

  • Focusing solely on the orgasm. We're literally here to enjoy ourselves - why are we rushing for it to end?

  • Judging ourselves based on another's wants. 

  • The 'taking' culture of sexuality. Paradoxically, it's not 'giving', either. Your sexuality is all yours already - steeping, breathing, smouldering inside you. Feed that. Explore that. Amusingly, it actually has nothing to do with a partner.

More of this

  • Slowing the fuck down. See what we did there? The fuck? Slow it down? We think we're funny.

  • Breathing and relaxing; pleasure is fun, not something to tick off your to-do list.

  • Exploring, playing, trying new things, and being bare.

  • Approaching intimacy with curiosity.

  • Stopping in the middle of whatever because it doesn't feel right.

  • Treating each sexual encounter as an experience on its own. No 'copy and paste' come machines.

  • Being honest with ourselves about what brings us pleasure and saying no to everything that is not it.

Porn may have stunted your growth.

In a perfect world, sex wouldn't have been something we learned on a screen. It would have been an innocent exploration of our bodies. What happens when I squeeze here? How about if I do this with my mouth / fingers? Is this part of my / your body sensitive? 


Our intention is to shed the 'show' and breathe more of that very natural innocence back into our sexual lives. To press reset on the stories, the fear, the shame, and to slowly, delicately, redefine what intimacy is to us.

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